What is CPR?

Construction Products Regulation i a regulation from the EU which aims to regulate the limits of fire safety and dangerous substances in materials used in construction. 

What is the purpose of the Construction Products Regulation?

The purpose of the Construction Products Regulation: 

  • To ensure harmonization across Europe of materials used in construction

  • To achieve a higher level of safety for fire and dangerous substances in materials used in construction

  • To create greater clarity and traceability of products used in construction


How does the CPR rules affect you?


  • Must ensure that the cable is CE marked and has the proper fire rating, which can be found in the DoP
  • Must be able to make the right choice in relation to the respective task


  • Must know the rules
  • Must be able to make the right choice in relation to the respective task


  • Must know the rules
  • Must ensure that the cable is CE marked and supplied with a DoP

Scankab Cables  - as a manufacturer is responsible for CE marking and DoP. Scankab Cables also acts as a knowledge center and advises on the correct choice of cables.