TOXFREE ® Z1C4Z1-K (AS), EMC - 0,6/1 kV


TOXFREE® Z1C4Z1-K (AS), EMC is suitable for all use where there is a demand for screened cables regarding EMC. For use in industry and building installations, public buildings, power plants or anywhere where there is a demand for 0.6/1 kV screened, halogen free cables. The cable is suited for burial and may be placed outdoors.



Flexible electrolytic Cu, class 5


Special polyolefin

Conductor color

Acc. to HD 308

Filling sheath

Flexible unleaded halogen free material


100% covering screen consisting of:
aluminum / polyester separator and tinned braided Cu screen

Outer sheath

Extra flexible halogen free compound, green, meter marked

Technical data

Working temperature

-40º C to +70º C

Rated voltage

0.6/1 kV

Bend radius

5 x cable diameter

CPR classification:


Please request for DoP at


EN 50575, IEC 60754, IEC 60332-1, IEC 60332-3, IEC 61034, IEC 60228, IEC 60502-1, IEC 60364-5-52, CE, RoHS
Bending radius 5 x cable diameter
Can be buried
Can lay in tubes
Electromagnetically protected
Fire retardant acc. to IEC 60332-3
Flame retardant acc. to IEC 60332-1
For industrial use
For permanent outdoor installation
Halogen free
Impact resistance: medium
Low emission of corrosive gases acc. to IEC 60754
Low smoke emission during fire acc. to 61034
Max. working temp. +70° C
Meter marked
Min. working temperature -40° C
Outdoor use
Resistance towards oil and chemicals
Suited for public places
Water resistant
SKU EAN CPR Dimension (mm2) Current Value (A) Packaging Diameter (mm)* Weight (kg/km)*
320002001 5704403040308 Cca-s1a,d1,a1 2x1 19 D./Cut 8,2 85
3200020015 5704403092338 Cca-s1a,d1,a1 2x1,5 26 D./Cut 8,6 105
320003001 5704403092345 Cca-s1a,d1,a1 3G1 19 D./Cut 9,0 110
3200030015 5704403009985 Cca-s1a,d1,a1 3G1,5 26 D./Cut 9,4 130
3200030025 5704403009992 Cca-s1a,d1,a1 3G2,5 36 D./Cut 10,3 165
320004001 5704403092352 Cca-s1a,d1,a1 4G1 19 D./Cut 10,0 130
3200040015 5704403010004 Cca-s1a,d1,a1 4G1,5 23 D./Cut 10,2 155
3200040025 5704403010011 Cca-s1a,d1,a1 4G2,5 32 D./Cut 11,0 200
3200040060 5704403188390 Cca-s1a,d1,a1 4G6 54 D./Cut 13,4 350
3200050015 5704403166527 Cca-s1a,d1,a1 5G1,5 18,5 D./Cut 11,0 180
3200050025 5704403187195 Cca-s1a,d1,a1 5G2,5 32 D./Cut 12,0 240
3200050040 5704403194698 Cca-s1a,d1,a1 5G4 42 D./Cut 13,7 325
320007001 5704403188307 Cca-s1a,d1,a1 7G1 19 D./Cut 10,9 192
3200070015 5704403010073 Cca-s1a,d1,a1 7G1,5 26 D./Cut 11,9 230
3200070025 5704403186914 Cca-s1a,d1,a1 7G2,5 32 D./Cut 13,5 285
3200010025 5704403056231 Cca-s1a,d1,a1 10G2,5 32 D./Cut 14,5 301
3200012010 5704403188314 Cca-s1a,d1,a1 12G1 19 D./Cut 13,2 295
3200012015 5704403188321 Cca-s1a,d1,a1 12G1,5 26 D./Cut 14,6 350
3200012025 5704403188369 Cca-s1a,d1,a1 12G2,5 32 D./Cut 17,5 455
3200014015 5704403188338 Cca-s1a,d1,a1 14G1,5 26 D./Cut 16,4 370
3200014025 5704403188376 Cca-s1a,d1,a1 14G2,5 32 D./Cut 18,4 510
3200019015 5704403188345 Cca-s1a,d1,a1 19G1,5 26 D./Cut 18,1 465
3200019025 5704403056224 Cca-s1a,d1,a1 19G2,5 32 D./Cut 20,6 665
3200024015 5704403188352 Cca-s1a,d1,a1 24G1,5 26 D./Cut 19,8 575
3200024025 5704403188383 Cca-s1a,d1,a1 24G2,5 32 D./Cut 24,3 850
* The values can have small deviations